Gather ideas for your teachers and go on an educational adventure with Susan as she shares her proven, creative techniques for keeping children's attention throughout a whole lesson. Kids are actively engaged wondering, what's next? You will too as you visit a jungle inside a tent, watch as characters from books appear out of a magic bag and become a rain cloud during story play time.

Tennessee Association for
Children's Early Education
Reaching Potential Together
Collaborative & Innovative
Public Policy
List of Important Links for Public Policy: – For information on the state’s pre-k programs – For information on the Tennessee’s Alliance and new pre-k legislation for all 4 year olds. – This website will help you identify your elected officials. – For information on the Governor’s new pre-k legislation for all 4 year olds. – The Government Performance Project—this site shows the state’s report card. – The third annual Disability Mega Conference to be held.
TACEE Public Policy Agenda
High Quality Voluntary Pre Kindergarten TACEE supports continued present funding for Pre Kindergarten in a variety of settings, including Head Start, Public School, Private child care settings (both center and family homes) and faith based centers.
Fee System Support for Working Families TACEE supports additional funding to non-TANF low income working families, to increase the number of children served and the fair-market reimbursement rates to providers. This is especially true in the infant and toddler age groups.
Quality Rating Improvement System TACEE supports continual improvement of the voluntary, market-driven quality rating improvement system, to provide parents with a tool for selecting high-quality early childhood care and education programs for infants, toddlers and preschoolers.
Children’s Health Initiative TACEE supports the development of a comprehensive program to insure Tennessee’s children receive immunizations and learn healthy exercise and eating habits to prevent childhood obesity.
Social and Emotional Development in Early Childhood Education TACEE supports the CSEFEL program to promote and improve outcomes of young children's social and emotional development. The Center will then work with professional organizations and child care providers to ensure the use of the evidence-based practices.
Join us in making a real difference.
More Resources
Collaborative & Innovative
“Learn the Signs. Act Early”
This website provides information and resources on developmental milestones, developmental monitoring, and acting early on concerns.
The Foundations for School Readiness: Fostering Developmental Competence in the Earliest Years, Technical Assistance Paper #6
This paper explores the scientific knowledge base concerning the remarkable developmental tasks that occur in the first 5 years of life. It also illustrates the important role of early childhood programs in preparing children for school.
News You Can Use: Foundations of School Readiness: Physical Development and Health
This article uses short stories to illustrate how physical development and health relate to school readiness.
When Health Affects Assessment
This fact sheet offers questions to consider about the impact of a child’s health on assessment. It also includes a list of tools that programs use to improve child assessment strategies.
Healthy Children Are Ready to Learn [1 MB, 6 Pages, Print Only]
This fact sheet explains how Head Start’s management systems support comprehensive health services that benefit children’s school readiness.
CDC’s Essentials for Parenting Toddlers and Preschoolers
Designed for parents of 2 to 4 year olds, Essentials for Parenting addresses common parenting challenges, like tantrums and whining. The purpose of the resource is to provide as much information as possible on things you can do to build a positive, healthy relationship.
Zero To Three
This website provides information on nurturing development in young children.
Head Start Center on Inclusion
The goal of the Head Start Center on Inclusion is to increase the competence and effectiveness of personnel in Head Start programs to include children with disabilities.
Birth To Five: Watch Me Thrive!
This website contains information and resources on child development and developmental and behavioral screening.
Developmental Monitoring and Screening
This web page includes information on developmental monitoring and screening.
Screening: The First Step in Getting to Know a Child
This web page provides resources about screening infants and toddlers and helpful, practical tools that can help.
Child Screening and Assessment
This web page provides information on screening and assessment and how both provide valuable information about a child’s interests, strengths, and needs.
Office of Child Care Technical Assistance Network: Infant/Toddler Development, Screening and Assessment
This website provides information on infant/toddler development, screening and assessment.
Screening: The First Step in Getting to Know a Child
This web page provides resources on screening infants and toddlers along with helpful, practical tools that can help.
Healthy Child Care America: Developmental Screening
This web page consists of a list of resources on developmental screening
Child Care Organizations
Child Care Aware
Child Care Aware works with state and local Child Care Resource and Referral agencies (CCR&Rs) and other community partners to ensure that all families have access to quality, affordable child care.
Child Care Aware: Child Care Providers
This site provides information to those considering becoming a child care provider.
National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC)
The NAEYC is the world’s largest organization working on behalf of young children. NAEYC’s mission is to serve and act on behalf of the needs, rights and well-being of all young children with primary focus on the provision of educational and developmental services and resources (NAEYC Bylaws, Article I., Section 1.1).