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Gather ideas for your teachers and go on an educational adventure with Susan as she shares her proven, creative techniques for keeping children's attention throughout a whole lesson. Kids are actively engaged wondering, what's next? You will too as you visit a jungle inside a tent, watch as characters from books appear out of a magic bag and become a rain cloud during story play time.

Tennessee Association for
Children's Early Education
Reaching Potential Together

Appalachian Association for Children's Early Education
Beth Huber, AACEE Acting President
Amie Perry, AACEE Co-President

Chattanooga Association for Children's Early Education

Knox Association for Children's Early Education
Tracy Liebermann, KACEE President

Rutherford Association for Children's Early Education
Aimee Harrison-RACEE Co-President
Nikole Cox-RACEE Co-President

West Tennessee Association for Children's Early Education
Jenny Campbell, WTACEE President
TACEE Regions
Committed to the Cause
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